Athletic Trainers
ASOP approved OPE Program for AT Curriculums

Dear AT Program Director:
On behalf of the American Society of Orthopedic Professionals, we welcome the opportunity to discuss how your AT curriculum could become a nationally approved “ASOP Orthopedic Physician Extender (OPE)” program.
The ASOP OPE program design will allow your athletic training faculty to facilitate a challenging program that leads your students towards value added certification within the orthopedic setting – the Orthopedic Physician Extender (OPE) examination.
Here are a few of the essential program highlights/components you can anticipate:
- All instruction taking place on your college/university campus – NO workshop travel expenses incurred by faculty or students….your faculty designee is welcome to attend a local ASOP casting workshop FREE OF CHARGE, please see for our schedule.
- PRIVATE Workshops on YOUR CAMPUS – call for details. Or attend an ASOP AT Faculty workshop in sunny St. Petersburg FL @ Click here for info
- Current faculty may teach OPE curriculum on site along with a local/regional expert recommended by ASOP to support your casting instruction. Each approved program must have one faculty designee as an ASOP member in good standing and OPE credentialed.
- ALL instructional materials provided to the teaching faculty (i.e., text materials, sample course syllabi for developing new curriculum, skill competency checklist, PowerPoints, competency checklist etc). Programs responsible for select expendable items and cast removing tools.
- All instructional materials will be located within the password-protected member’s areas.
- Additional credentialing and BOC® approved Category A CEUs available for faculty/staff professional development
- Institutional discounts for student and faculty credentialing examinations – OPE
ASOP has strategically aligned with the healthcare field to build the OPE program that supports the career objectives for future graduates within clinical orthopedics. As such, Dr. Keith Vanic, ATC is always available for consultation (484-357-3396) to discuss the core curriculum expectations, program outline/teaching materials and exam credentialing.
Visit our online planner and select a convenient day/time to discuss our programming.
Please let us know how we can assist in the instructional delivery and help to facilitate the OPE credentialing for your students. Rest assured, we can support your outgoing cohort with the necessary certification pathway as they transition into the clinical orthopedic workforce!
We are excited to partner with your faculty and students and if we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the ASOP office at 727-394-1700 or
Charles Barocas, CO
ASOP Executive Director
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