

American Society of Orthopedic Professionals

Article 1: NAME
The name of this organization is American Society of Orthopedic Professionals, hereinafter referred to as “ASOP”


The mission of the American Society of Orthopedic Professionals (ASOP) is to enrich the quality of orthopedic health care and to further promote the professional advancement throughout the orthopedic discipline.
The American Society of Orthopedic Professionals will fulfill its mission by:
• Supporting career advancement through a validated certification process focused on office-based orthopedic clinical procedures;
• Endorsing high standards of professional clinical competency by supporting its membership with criteria and means for continuing education;
• Providing evidence-based research that is responsive to the musculoskeletal demands of the orthopedic population;
• Being the primary advocate of the orthopedic technology profession for its legislative advancement towards professional licensure;
• Exploring the opportunity to further develop professional opportunities for employment diversification
• Advocating the demand for the highest clinical standards, ethical decision-making and professionalism of its membership.

3.1.a Membership Categories. ASOP has designated the following membership classification:
– Registered Orthopedic Technician (ROT) has successfully challenged ASOPs credentialing examination and is in good standing with the organization.
– The above individual may use the “ROT” credential to designate their professional standing within the organization
– Individuals not formerly “licensed” by the state healthcare/medical board will be eligible for “ROT” credential;
3.1.b Membership Application and Dues. Application for membership into ASOP shall be made directly to the membership committee. All applicable membership dues payment must be remitted at the time of application. ASOP membership department has to right to review and adjust annual dues allowance at their discretion.
3.1.c Membership – Good Standing. An individual is considered in good standard with the organization when/if:
– Complies with the ethical and educational standards set forth by ASOP and its membership eligibility requisites
– Remits payment for annual membership dues in a timely manner
– Annual membership and successful completion of continuing education units shall constitute good standing. If the member does not submit the appropriate payment within 30 days following the annual due date, the individual’s membership status will be suspended. Note: The member cannot utilize the ROT credential when/if membership has been suspended/revoked.
3.1.d Membership Transferability. ASOP membership cannot be transferred between members or future member in the application and/or credentialing process.

3.2.a Membership Categories. ASOP has designated the following membership classification:
– Orthopedic Physician Extender-Certified (OPE) has successfully challenged ASOPs credentialing examination and is in good standing with the organization.
– The above individual may use the “OPE” credential to designate their professional standing within the organization
– Candidate must be credentialed as an Athletic Trainer or is in the process of completing or completed a Professional Athletic Training Program, Post-professional Athletic Training Program, Residency Athletic Training Program, or AT Clinical Doctoral Program will be eligible for “OPE” credential;

3.2.b Continuing Education Units (CEUs).
– CEUs should be attained from within the field of professional scope and advance the professional practice or skills of the individual. .
– ASOP members are required to complete 12 CEUs per calendar year throughout a 2-year cycle.
– ASOP members who are also credentialed by the BOC® for Athletic Training may seamlessly transition those units for ASOP continuing education.

4.1 Schedule of Events and Identifying Meeting Locations. ASOP shall designate the time and location for its conference and clinical symposium. Notification will be released to the membership and published on the ASOP website. ASOP reserves the right to hold an annual meeting along with the selection of meeting place/location.
4.2 Meeting Function. The ASOP annual meeting will provide a venue for its members to seek career placement and/or advancement; deliver current clinical practices conducive to its continuing education mandates; offer a forum to discuss governmental affairs that may assist with present/future legislative effort for the organization and present any other relative business matters appropriate for its membership.

5.1 Executive Director. Facilitate the ongoing implementation of the organization’s goals and objectives. Furthermore, he/she will advance the leadership towards the achievement of the organization’s mission/vision and strategic goals. Ensure ongoing local/regional/national excellence for the education and professional advancement of its membership.
5.2 Co-Director. Service and function to the organization performed at the discretion of the Executive Director.
5.3 Regional Clinical Educators. Individuals that are duly qualified and have the practical expertise and professional experience to serve as ASOP clinical educators. Executive Director will select such individuals to represent ASOP at all scheduled clinical education seminars (i.e., casting/bracing). Seminars will be both open to the public and private sessions scheduled by the Executive Director, who will select clinical educators based on their availability, geographic location, etc.
5.4 Membership Committee. Manage and maintain membership director of the organization. Provide notification to its membership regarding annual dues remittance. Additionally, it shall be the responsibility of the membership committee to work with the Executive Director to augment membership statistics.
5.5 Continuing Education Committee. (1) Responsibilities – Support the organization’s membership with quality continuing education opportunities/programs. (2) Programs/Courses – CEC will be charged with the creation of new continuing education courses/programs/seminars. ASOP-sponsored continuing education programs may be offered wither online via select distance education learning platform and/or residential offerings (i.e., hospitals/offices/college/universities etc.). (3) Continuing Education Units (CEU) mandates. Certified members must show evidence of continuing education units every 2 years. Please refer to ASOP membership guidelines for specifics.

6.1 ASOP MONTHLY shall be the official publication of the organization and will be offered to the membership on a monthly basis via ASOP membership login area.

7.1 Revisions or changes may be made at the discretion of the executive board members. In the event that such significant changes are made to the current bylaw structure, the membership shall be notified within 30 days of said change.

Revised 9/2023

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