Continuing Education
Continuing Education Requirements
Continuing Education is not required for your first ASOP renewal. At your second renewal, 24 hours of continuing education is required. Continuing Education hours can be in any medical field including radiology, athletic training, infection control, CPR, etc. Keep records using the CE form on the ASOP website. Any continuing education you do for other certifications or state licenses you may hold will also count towards your ASOP CE requirements.
Typical ways to obtain continuing education;
- Attend medical conferences.
- Attend medical in-services at your practice or hospital
- Read peer reviewed medical journals. 100 pages equal 1 hour of credit (Up to 6 hours of CE may be obtained this way.)
- Attend CPR classes Up to 6 hrs of CE may be obtained this way.
- Instruct at an ASOP casting workshop. (Up to 6 hours may be obtained this way.)
- Write an article on casting or other orthopedic procedures to be used on the ASOP website. Two hours of CE will be awarded for each article published.
- Produce a short video on casting or other orthopedic procedures. Two hours of CE will be awarded when uploaded to the ASOP website.
- Use the CE form to keep track of your hours. Do not send the CE form to ASOP at your renewal unless we ask for it. By renewing your ROT, you attest to acquiring your 24 hours of continuing education
Use the CE form to keep track of your hours. Do not send the CE form to ASOP at your renewal unless we ask for it. By renewing your ROT, you attest to acquiring your 24 hours of continuing education.
American Society of Orthopedic Professionals (ASOP) is recognized by the Board of Certification, Inc. to offer continuing education for Certified Athletic Trainers. BOC Approved Provider Number: P120

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