Continuing Education
Fracture Forum Topics
Welcome to the ASOP Orthopedic Injury Learning Series – Fracture Forum.
Note: Continuing Education Units are available for ROT/OAP/OPE and OTC Domain 1.G, refer to details below. You can join us at and start your training in Orthopedic Technology which will lead to your certification as an ROT, Registered Orthopedic Technologist.
Each topic from this learning series reviewed will earn .25 CE hours towards your next renewal. Keep track of CEUs at
To review, click on the topic below for pdf version.
- Colles Fracture (pdf format)
American Society of Orthopedic Professionals (ASOP) will recognize the above professional development activities for the credentials stated (ROT/OAP/OPE/TCC), however, for OTC and other credentials please check with credentialing agency for final determination and category.

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