Frequently Asked Questions about the ROT Surgical Certified Examination.


What is the Registered Orthopedic Technologist Surgical Certified (ROT-SC) exmaination?

The Registered Orthopedic Technologist Surgical Certified is a value-added opportunity to enhance your professional development.  The ROT-SC examination is a 75 question online, objective assessment comprised of the foundational knowledge representative of the ortho tech in the orthopedic surgical setting.

This individual functions in a supportive role to the orthopedic surgeon within the operative setting and further possesses a dedicated commitment to patient safety throughout the pre-, intra-, and post-operative surgical environment.

What is the ROT-SC examination and what it is NOT?

The ROT-SC does NOT award and/or recognize an individual as a surgical technology/technician.

The orthopedic practice, hospital, urgent care and surgical centers should specify the privileges, role, and responsibilities for each practitioner. Furthermore, the organization should establish qualifications, criteria, and credentialing process when granting specific privileges. Individuals who are additionally credentialed as ROT and/or ROT-SC are required to abide by their local rules/guidelines, relevant statutes and regulations for both state licensed and unlicensed certifications.

If interested in acquiring surgical technologist certification, please refer to the following states laws and credentialing: Idaho, Indiana, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee (please note, based on posting, this list may have changed/revised based on state law consideration.  Always know you national, state, regional/local statues, licensure, policy etc. be current and up to date.

What are the ROT-SC eligibility requirements?

1.  ASOP Member in good standing 
– AND –
2.  Successfully challenged ROT certification

Along with the following…

  • Minimum six (6) months experience in orthopedic surgery or related field

– OR –

  • Successful completion of surgical technology program (must show proof of completion)

3. Provide verification of the above by your supervising orthopedic surgeon or podiatric physician

How do I register for the ROT-SC exam?

Once the proper form has been provided to the ASOP support team, all information will be verified.  ASOP members can log into their ASOP membership portal > click on “Educational Resources” and request ROT-SC exam access.


– Existing ASOP members can register and request access – MEMBER ACCESS HERE

  • From member’s area > Educational Resources > Scroll down to ROT-SC Exam Access
  • Complete the ROT Surgical Cert – Supervisor Verification Form and follow upload instructions

Here is a sample verification form for your review – CLICK HERE

Please feel free to email our member support with any questions or technical difficulties

The ROT-SC exam application form will need to be signed, per above.  A special link to the exam will be emailed back to the ASOP member within 5 working days.

Where do I take the ROT-SC examination? What is the exam format?

The exam is taken online and consists of 75 questions in total, whereby the pass point is 70%.  You will have 4 hours to complete all questions.

How do I study for the exam?

The ASOP tech team is always uploading educational content to assist in your professional development.  Please check your ASOP member area for added resources.  The following areas will be covered in the exam:

– Perioperative Preparation
– Intra-Operative Management
– Post-Operative Patient Care
– Professional & Ethical Patient Care

The primary resource used for this assessment is the NAON Orthopedic Surgery Manual, 3rd ed. (this will be an Ebook delivery)

CLICK HERE and then scroll down to the bottom of the page > Create a Guest Account

*Once you have created an account, return to the NAON Home Page > ONLINE STORE > then Login with your new username and password >  Click “Online Store” again, yes again 😉 > Practice Resources > scroll down and locate “Orthopedic Surgery Manual, 3rd ed – electronic edition > Add to Cart > follow the “Checkout” prompts to complete your Ebook purchase ($40)

Troubleshooting: if you click on the textbook link and “Add to Cart” is not displayed = then you are not logged into the portal; only members and guest members can add items to their carts etc.


How and when do I get exam results?

Once you “submit” your exam, you will instantaneously see your exam score. You will also receive an email containing your final exam score and as a member in good standing, you will always have access to the exam portal


Are Continuing Education hours required to maintain my ROT-SC Certification? Yes!

If you have passed the ROT and ROT-SC exams with less than 6 months remaining on the certification, you are not required to do CE.  However, when you renew for the 2 year ASOP membership and ROT renewal, you will be required to do 24 hours of continuing education over the next two years.  Continuing Education hours can be in any medical field including radiology, athletic training, infection control, CPR, etc. You can attend conferences or do distance learning courses. You can read (100 pages = 1Hr of CE) peer reviewed journals. Keep records using the CE form on the ASOP website.

How do I renew my ROT Certifications?

You can go online and renew your ASOP Membership and that will renew your ROT exam series certifications for 2 years.  Simply CLICK HERE to log into your ASOP member area > My Profile > Renew 


ASOP disclaims any and all liability or damages resulting to any individual(s) for claims, which may arise from the knowledge use/application detailed herein of any healthcare provider, whether these claims be asserted by a physician, other clinician/provider, or any other person. Additional disclaimers contained within documents above.

The user takes full and exclusive responsibility for the safe application of any information contained herein. In the event that the user elects to purchase any instrumentation, any/all exercises are performed exclusively at the user’s risk.

Always review and follow your hospital policy​.

The information is for educational and informational purposes only. All individuals must follow existing laws and other regulatory requirements and are required to abide by relevant statutes and regulations.

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